Even Hotze Agrees it's Time for a Change!
You're not going to believe Stephen Hotze's column in the Bellaire Examiner this week. You may know Dr. Hotze, the Republican king-maker. Where Rudy Giuliani is Mr. "noun-verb 9/11," Dr. Hotze's columns are analogous: "noun-verb socialism." He is not a friend of progressives, historically, except for this week.
To begin with, the column is titled: "No justice for the common man with GOP judges." That's amazing enough on its own. The column then goes on to rail against the 14th Court of Appeals three-judge panel's decision to take away the substantial Vioxx verdict from Brazoria County.
Dr. Hotze complains that Vioxx's makers knew about the problems with the drug and the connection between the drug and heart attacks, according to him, and that they had hid those problems prior to receiving FDA approval.
He railed about the fact that this was no plaintiff's jury, 11 of the 12 were registered Republicans, and the trial judge was Republican as well. This was no runaway tribunal. The court of appeals reversed the trial court's judgment in favor of the widowed plaintiff, and determined she should receive nothing.
He ends the piece like this:
Whatever one thinks about Stephen Hotze, the evidence in the Ernst case, or level playing fields in courtrooms (I am in favor of the last one), one has to be shocked by Hotze's willingness to call for a revolution in our courts. Even he can see that this one-party system in Harris County and on our local courts of appeal and the Texas Supreme Court has gone too far. It is time to restore balance to our courts. Elect Democratic judges in 2008!
Political advertising paid for by Mike Engelhart, 4402 Holt Street, Bellaire, Texas 77401 in compliance with the voluntary limits of the Judicial Campaign Fairness Act.
Read about excellent judges.
To begin with, the column is titled: "No justice for the common man with GOP judges." That's amazing enough on its own. The column then goes on to rail against the 14th Court of Appeals three-judge panel's decision to take away the substantial Vioxx verdict from Brazoria County.
Dr. Hotze complains that Vioxx's makers knew about the problems with the drug and the connection between the drug and heart attacks, according to him, and that they had hid those problems prior to receiving FDA approval.
He railed about the fact that this was no plaintiff's jury, 11 of the 12 were registered Republicans, and the trial judge was Republican as well. This was no runaway tribunal. The court of appeals reversed the trial court's judgment in favor of the widowed plaintiff, and determined she should receive nothing.
He ends the piece like this:
Yet the Republican judges on the 14th Court of Appeals sided with the pharmaceutical giant Merck and reversed the decision for the widow of Bob Ernst and left her empty handed.
It's high time that we elect judges who will uphold justice for the common man and not side with the corporations who want no liability for their corrupt actions.
Whatever one thinks about Stephen Hotze, the evidence in the Ernst case, or level playing fields in courtrooms (I am in favor of the last one), one has to be shocked by Hotze's willingness to call for a revolution in our courts. Even he can see that this one-party system in Harris County and on our local courts of appeal and the Texas Supreme Court has gone too far. It is time to restore balance to our courts. Elect Democratic judges in 2008!
Political advertising paid for by Mike Engelhart, 4402 Holt Street, Bellaire, Texas 77401 in compliance with the voluntary limits of the Judicial Campaign Fairness Act.
Read about excellent judges.
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