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University of Michigan Alums Get a Visit from Mike Engelhart for Judge

As you all know (or maybe not), Mike Engelhart got his BA from the University of Michigan. The Michigan Alumni Association in Houston is growing every year, and is already quite large.

On Saturday, August 30, 2008, after the Labor Day cookoff, the 2008 green hybrid cruised over to a local establishment for the UM v. Utah opener. Michigan didn't quite come through for Mike. However, Mike got to meet about 50 Houston alums of his alma mater. He handed out cards, and gave his elevator speech to the group during a commercial. Everyone seemed pleased that their fellow alum was running for judge here in town, and wished Mike the best. Several offered to host house parties, and almost everyone promised to vote for Mike.

There are several games between now and the election, and Mike intends to return to the Mezzanine each week to meet with his fellow alums.

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Political advertising paid for by Mike Engelhart, 4402 Holt Street, Bellaire, Texas 77401 in compliance with the voluntary limits of the Judicial Campaign Fairness Act.

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