best free and pay new mmorpg online games 2010 Soul Master, Wonderland MMO, Aerrevan, Dragonball Online, Magic: The Gathering, Vampires Online, Loong

just been looking around for some new online mmorpg games to try out and have compiled a list of mostly new games for 2010 that are doing the mmorpg free games round, some of these might not be free online games as well.
Loong - is a action adventure mmo online game where you can have magicial abilities and do battles, building up powers in the game for your player.
Vampires Online - bit of a twilight theme to Vampires Online for this mmorpg game, is there a twilight game actually out, like a free twilight mmo game, there is a lot of these vampire type games.

is vampires online a twilight style computer mmorpg game?

grepolis - is based around greek mythology and lots of greek history.
Magic: The Gathering - as the title suggests Magic: The Gathering is a swords and sorcery type mmorpg online game.
Dragonball Online - from the famous tv series or was it a movie, japanese type art and comics? Dragonball Online is a bit like a bruce lee type online mmorpg game,
Dragonball Online is a bit like streetfighter game due to all the fireballs and acrobatics in the online game.
Genghis Khan or Mongol Empire - bit of a history based online mmorpg game with you playing in the era of Genghis Khan and the Mongol Empire.
deepolis - is a submarine game for all you submarine fans out there, deepolis is said to be quite a good submarine adventure.
Aerrevan - Aerrevan is nice polished looking mmorpg game to look into trying out.
Iris Online - Iris Online is one of those fantasy style based mmo games.
Wonderland MMO - is based around alice in wonderland.
Wonderland MMO

Prius Online - Prius Online is made by korean game makers.
KARMA: Operation Barbarossa - is a world war 2 themed online game KARMA: Operation Barbarossa also has a zombie theme to it.
Battle of the Immortals - fantasy style mmorpg game from china.
World Of Fight - World Of Fight looks like it could be a popular game in 2010, World Of Fight is another mmorpg game to look out for, made by chinese game developers i think.
World Of Fight

Dungeon Bandits - battle dungeon monsters in Dungeon Bandits online game.
Soul Master - Soul Master sounds like another good online mmorpg game for 2010 that will probably be worth checking out.
other online games and mmorpg games worth checking out in 2010 are Monster Forest, Forsaken World, Pop Tag, KillSkill, Project 9, Legend of Katha, Planet Cazmo, WW2 Warfare, City of Eternals, Asgard Heroes, TransForce a TransFormers style game.

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