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151st Hosts Girl Scout Troop from Kolter Elementary

On Thursday, March 24, 2011, the 151st hosted the Girl Scout Troop from Kolter Elementary.  The girls arrived in the afternoon after trial, and the attorneys from the trial were kind enough to stay.  The Court's deputy, Victor, lined the girls up in the hallway like a voir dire panel.  They were suitably impressed by his stern manner.  The girls and chaperone parents were brought in lines into the courtroom and seated in the court's gallery like a real jury!  Judge Mike Engelhart walked in from his chambers and commenced the proceedings.

The girls became a jury for the case of Jenny Jones v. The Girl Scouts.  Factually, it was alleged that Jenny got sick from eating girl scout cookies.  The volunteer attorneys examined the panel as to whether they could be fair in this case and whether they were qualified to serve on the jury.  12 jurors were empaneled after voir dire.  Another girl scout played the role of Jenny Jones.

Jenny testified that she had eaten 4 BOXES of girl scout cookies in one sitting.  These included Thanks-a-Lots, Thin Mints, Lemonades & Caramel deLites.  She also testified there was no warning label on the boxes that the cookies are addictive!

Both sides rested and gave very brief closing arguments.  The Girl Scout jury deliberated for a minute or two, and returned a verdict against Jenny Jones and in favor of the Girl Scouts.

After that, the girls took a tour of the judge's chambers and the jury room.  They asked many good questions and got to take pictures with the judge sitting in the judge's chair.

 It was reported that the judge and the parents had a terrific time, too.

Political advertising paid for by Mike Engelhart, 4402 Holt Street, Bellaire, Texas 77401 in compliance with the voluntary limits of the Judicial Campaign Fairness Act.

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